Student-Faculty Programs Office
Summer 2025 Announcements of Opportunity

Below are Announcements of Opportunity posted by Caltech faculty and JPL technical staff for all programs administered by the Student-Faculty Programs office. This list also appears on SFP's main website, while AO lists on the SURF, Amgen Scholars, NASA Space Grant, and NASA USRP sites show just AOs applicable to their respective programs.

Project Title Disciplines Mentor  Posted 
Efficient Algorithms for Bipartite Graph Alignment    Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, ACM Daniel Cullina  07-Feb-25
On the mass-radius relation for Sub-Neptunes    Planetary Science, Astrophysics, Geosciences, Materials Science Jie Deng  06-Feb-25
Interactive orbital dynamics in 3D virtual reality    Astrophysics, Computer Science Ana Bonaca  06-Feb-25
Precision Image Reconstruction for Radio Interferometers    Astrophysics, Statistics Gregg Hallinan  04-Feb-25
Fantastic Beasts, but Where to Find Them? Machine Learning–Driven Discovery and Characterisation of Giant Black Hole Jets    Astronomy, Computer Science; Astrophysics Gregg Hallinan  04-Feb-25
Numerical simulations and data generation for operator learning    Engineering and Applied Science, Applied and Computational Mathematics Kaushik Bhattacharya  03-Feb-25
Summer Research With Aerospace Robotics and Control Lab (ARCL)    Control and Dynamical Systems Soon-Jo Chung  03-Feb-25
Online and lab experiments, and webscraping to understand upernormal stimuli and human perception     Multidisciplinary, psychology Colin Camerer  02-Feb-25
Simulating granular flows using Discrete Element Method     Engineering and Applied Science, Materials Science Kaushik Bhattacharya  02-Feb-25
Quality Assessment of skydata from the OVRO-LWA Radio Telescope    Astronomy, Data Science Gregg Hallinan  31-Jan-25
Sustainability in Scientific Research    Multidisciplinary Julie Kornfield  31-Jan-25
Development and Deployment of Sensors for Measuring Carbon Dioxide in Rivers    Environmental Science and Engineering, Geobiology Woodward Fischer  30-Jan-25
Determining the proper motion of stars in ZTF    Astronomy, Data Science Matthew Graham  29-Jan-25
A Machine Learning Approach to Surveying Solar Energetic Particle Time Profiles    Physics, Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics Allan Labrador  27-Jan-25
Observational Studies of Exoplanets    Astrophysics, Astronomy Andrew Howard  27-Jan-25
Advanced Imaging of Neurodegenerative Disorders    Neuroscience, Computational Image Processing Michael Zeineh  25-Jan-25
Eye Muscle Surgical Device Invention    Bioengineering, Medical Engineering Donny Suh  25-Jan-25
Pulsar Spin-Down Anomalies for Dark-Matter Searches    Physics Susan Gardner  25-Jan-25
Accelerating Large Scale Pattern Recognition Methods - SURF@Newcastle in 2025    Computation and Neural Systems, Mathematics, CS, Applied Math, Physics Pablo Moscato  23-Jan-25
Challenging Quantum Computing on QUBOS - SURF@Newcastle in 2025    Computation and Neural Systems, Mathematics, CS, Applied Math, Physics Pablo Moscato  23-Jan-25
Precision Machine Learning With Continued Fractions - SURF@Newcastle in 2025    Computation and Neural Systems, Mathematics, CS, Applied Math, Physics Pablo Moscato  23-Jan-25
Chemical Upcycling of Polyolefins Into Functionalized Polyolefin    Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science E. Bryan Coughlin  23-Jan-25
Anomaly detection with recurrence analysis of astronomical time series     Astronomy, Data Science Matthew Graham  23-Jan-25
Modeling Supernovae Beyond Shock Breakout    Astrophysics, Computer Science David Vartanyan  21-Jan-25
A multi-scale investigation of CGM dynamics    Astrophysics, Astronomy Mandy Chen  21-Jan-25
High Energy Physics and Machine Learning Projects with the CMS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider    Physics, Machine Learning Harvey Newman  21-Jan-25
Developing a mask cutting software for the Magellan telescope instruments    Astronomy, Applied and Computational Mathematics William Schoenell  17-Jan-25
Analysis of Urban Seismic Signals Using Machine Learning Techniques    Computer Science, Data Science Monica Kohler  14-Jan-25
Optimality-Based Model Development and Calibration for CliMA-Land    Environmental Science and Engineering Tapio Schneider  14-Jan-25
Photo-driven isomerization of performance elastomers towards tailorable properties    Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science Jack Saltiel  16-Dec-24
Investigating Age-Related Macular Degeneration Using a "Disease in a Dish" Model     Biology, Medical Research Deborah Ferrington  16-Dec-24
High Energy Astrophysics Projects     Astrophysics, Astronomy Fiona Harrison  13-Dec-24
Projects in Theoretical Chemistry    Chemistry Rudy Marcus  13-Dec-24
Probing the Weak Interaction With Early Universe Physics    Astrophysics, Physics, ACM (with interest in physics or astrophysics) Chad Kishimoto  12-Dec-24
Whole genome sequencing of mucosal microbiomes to explore connections with human health and disease    Bioengineering, Biology Rustem Ismagilov  10-Dec-24
Propulsive efficiency of robotically controlled jellyfish for ocean exploration    Mechanical Engineering, Bioengineering, Physics, Aerospace John Dabiri  05-Dec-24
Studies of soft and living matter in complex environments    Multidisciplinary, Biophysics, Fluid dynamics, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering, Rheology, Mechanical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Soft Matter Physics Sujit Datta  02-Dec-24
Alkylation Alkanes Using Alkanes    Chemistry, specialty in organic or inorganic chemistry desirable Kurtis Carsch  02-Dec-24
Synthesizing Microporous Liquids    Chemistry, ChE (for Ch, specialty in organic or inorganic chemistry desirable; for ChE, specialty in materials chemistry desirable) Kurtis Carsch  02-Dec-24
Calcium isotopes in urine as a tracer of bone health    Geochemistry Francois Tissot  25-Nov-24
Multiple Projects in Astrophysics    Astronomy, Computer Science, Physics Charles Steinhardt  25-Nov-24
Using Biological Passports to Detect Performance-Enhancing Drugs    Computer Science, Biology, Physics Charles Steinhardt  25-Nov-24
Materials for Self-Cleaning Coatings    Chemistry, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biology, Electrical Engineering James Hanson  25-Nov-24
Machine Learning for Human-Robot Interaction    Computer Science, Computation and Neural Systems (CNS), Electrical Engineering Yanan Sui  22-Nov-24
Photoacoustic, light-speed, and quantum imaging/physics    Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics Lihong Wang  21-Nov-24
Analyzing Human Decision-Making Through Mathematical Models    Economics, Mathematics Kota Saito  15-Nov-24
Symmetry and Homogeneity as Guiding Principles in Energy Materials Design    Applied Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science Nicholas Stadie  14-Nov-24
Novel MRI Methods    Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering Shreyas Vasanawala  13-Nov-24
Structural and Function Characterization of Mega Assemblies    Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Cell Biology Andre Hoelz  07-Nov-24
Quality control of mitochondria    Biology, Bioengineering David Chan  07-Nov-24

Problems with or questions about submitting an AO?  Call Student-Faculty Programs of the Student-Faculty Programs Office at (626) 395-2885.
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