Project Title |
Disciplines |
Mentor |
Posted |
Modeling Supernovae Beyond Shock Breakout
Astrophysics, Computer Science
David Vartanyan |
21-Jan-25 |
A multi-scale investigation of CGM dynamics
Astrophysics, Astronomy
Mandy Chen |
21-Jan-25 |
High Energy Physics and Machine Learning Projects with the CMS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
Physics, Machine Learning
Harvey Newman |
21-Jan-25 |
Developing a mask cutting software for the Magellan telescope instruments
Astronomy, Applied and Computational Mathematics
William Schoenell |
17-Jan-25 |
Developing a Machine Learning Framework for Estimating CO₂ and Methane Emissions Using NASA Satellite Observations
Computer Science, Earth Sciences
Sudhanshu Pandey (JPL) |
14-Jan-25 |
Developing a Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Jacobians in Atmospheric Flux Inversions
Mathematics, Geophysics
Sudhanshu Pandey (JPL) |
14-Jan-25 |
Analysis of Urban Seismic Signals Using Machine Learning Techniques
Computer Science, Data Science
Monica Kohler |
14-Jan-25 |
Upgrading the software and functionality of the PIXL ground-based science testbed
Information Systems/Technology, Computing and Physics
Chris Heirwegh (JPL) |
14-Jan-25 |
Enhancing the elemental calibration of the PIXL X-ray fluorescence spectrometer on the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
Geochemistry, Instrument calibration
Chris Heirwegh (JPL) |
14-Jan-25 |
MISR Plume Height Project 2025
Earth Science, Atmospheric Physics
Marcin Witek (JPL) |
14-Jan-25 |
Optimality-Based Model Development and Calibration for CliMA-Land
Environmental Science and Engineering
Tapio Schneider |
14-Jan-25 |
Signals of Opportunity Software Defined Radio (SDR) based Development for UAV
Electrical Engineering, Earth Science
Rashmi Shah (JPL) |
13-Jan-25 |
Development of hyperspectral data processing and visualization software
Computer Science, Data Science
Rebecca Greenberger |
13-Jan-25 |
Aerie and Endurance
Computer Engineering, Spacecraft Systems
Juan Delfa (JPL) |
07-Jan-25 |
Earth Data Visualization Generation Using UMM-Vis
Computer Science, Earth Science
Z Xing (JPL) |
07-Jan-25 |
Projects in Astronomy
Astronomy, Astrophysics
Yinuo Han |
17-Dec-24 |
Photo-driven isomerization of performance elastomers towards tailorable properties
Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science
Jack Saltiel |
16-Dec-24 |
Investigating Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Using a "Disease in a Dish" Model
Biology, Medical Research
Deborah Ferrington |
16-Dec-24 |
High Energy Astrophysics Projects
Astrophysics, Astronomy
Fiona Harrison |
13-Dec-24 |
Projects in Theoretical Chemistry
Rudy Marcus |
13-Dec-24 |
Probing the Weak Interaction With Early Universe Physics
Astrophysics, Physics, ACM (with interest in physics or astrophysics)
Chad Kishimoto |
12-Dec-24 |
Whole genome sequencing of mucosal microbiomes to explore connections with human health and disease
Bioengineering, Biology
Rustem Ismagilov |
10-Dec-24 |
Psyche Guidance, Navigation & Control: Flight Performance Analysis and Stability Margin Verification
Guidance, Navigation and Control, Spacecraft Dynamics and Control
Alex Manka (JPL) |
06-Dec-24 |
Reducing methane emissions from biomass carbon sequestration
Environmental Science and Engineering, Geobiology, Chemistry
Alex Sessions |
06-Dec-24 |
Propulsive efficiency of robotically controlled jellyfish for ocean exploration
Mechanical Engineering, Bioengineering, Physics, Aerospace
John Dabiri |
05-Dec-24 |
Developing inversion methods for a bioisotopic metabolic model
Computer Science, Environmental Science and Engineering
Alex Sessions |
05-Dec-24 |
Joint Inversion of Magnetic and Gravity Data for Icy World Oceans Enabled by Laboratory Measurements and Interior Models
Planetary Science, Open source coding
Steven Vance (JPL) |
04-Dec-24 |
Water Abundance in Photon-Dominated Regions
Dariusz Lis (JPL) |
04-Dec-24 |
Studies of soft and living matter in complex environments
Multidisciplinary, Biophysics, Fluid dynamics, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering, Rheology, Mechanical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Soft Matter Physics
Sujit Datta |
02-Dec-24 |
Alkylation Alkanes Using Alkanes
Chemistry, specialty in organic or inorganic chemistry desirable
Kurtis Carsch |
02-Dec-24 |
Synthesizing Microporous Liquids
Chemistry, ChE (for Ch, specialty in organic or inorganic chemistry desirable; for ChE, specialty in materials chemistry desirable)
Kurtis Carsch |
02-Dec-24 |
Calcium isotopes in urine as a tracer of bone health
Francois Tissot |
25-Nov-24 |
Multiple Projects in Astrophysics
Astronomy, Computer Science, Physics
Charles Steinhardt |
25-Nov-24 |
Using Biological Passports to Detect Performance-Enhancing Drugs
Computer Science, Biology, Physics
Charles Steinhardt |
25-Nov-24 |
Materials for Self-Cleaning Coatings
Chemistry, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biology, Electrical Engineering
James Hanson |
25-Nov-24 |
Machine Learning for Human-Robot Interaction
Computer Science, Computation and Neural Systems (CNS), Electrical Engineering
Yanan Sui |
22-Nov-24 |
Photoacoustic, light-speed, and quantum imaging/physics
Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics
Lihong Wang |
21-Nov-24 |
Analyzing Human Decision-Making Through Mathematical Models
Economics, Mathematics
Kota Saito |
15-Nov-24 |
Symmetry and Homogeneity as Guiding Principles in Energy Materials Design
Applied Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science
Nicholas Stadie |
14-Nov-24 |
Novel MRI Methods
Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering
Shreyas Vasanawala |
13-Nov-24 |
Anomaly detection and algorithm development for Deep Space Network data
Data Science, Applied Math, Computer Science, Physics, Astronomy
Lisa Locke (JPL) |
07-Nov-24 |
Structural and Function Characterization of Mega Assemblies
Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Cell Biology
Andre Hoelz |
07-Nov-24 |
Quality control of mitochondria
Biology, Bioengineering
David Chan |
07-Nov-24 |