Student-Faculty Programs Office
Summer 2025 Announcements of Opportunity

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Project:  Structural and Function Characterization of Mega Assemblies
Disciplines:  Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Cell Biology
Mentor:  Andre Hoelz, Ferkel Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, (CCE),, Phone: 626-395-8480
Mentor URL:  (opens in new window)
Background:  In eukaryotic cells, the spatial segregation of replication and transcription in the nucleus and transition in the cytoplasm imposes the requirement of transporting thousands of macromolecules between these two compartments. Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are the sole gateways that facilitate this macromolecular exchange across the nuclear envelope with the help of soluble transport receptors. Whereas the mobile transport machinery is reasonably well understood at the atomic level, a commensurate structural characterization of the NPC has not been achieved.

Our lab carries out structure-function studies of the nuclear pore complex with the ultimate goal of elucidating its entire atomic structure - the applied structure determination as well as the design principles.
Description:  The student will work with a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow to purify and crystallize protein complexes and to carry out functional analyses in yeast.
References:  Lin, D.H., Hoelz, A. (2019). The Structure of the Nuclear Pore Complex (An Update). Annu. Rev. Biochem.88, 725-783.

Lin, D.H., Stuwe, T., Schilbach, S., Rundlet, E.R., Perriches, T., Mobbs, G., Fan, Y., Thierbach, K., Huber, F.M., Collins, L.N, Davenport, A.M., Jeon, Y.J., Hoelz, A. (2016). Architecture of the symmetric core of the nuclear pore. Science, 352, 308. [cover]

Stuwe, T.T., Bley, C.J. , Thierbach, K., Petrovic, S., Schilbach, S., Mayo, D.J., Perriches, T., Rundlet, E.J., Jeon, Y.J., Collins, L.N., Huber, F.M., Lin, D.H., Paduch, M., Koide, A., Lu, V., Fischer, J., Hurt, E., Koide, S., Kossiakoff, A., Hoelz, A. (2015). Architecture of the fungal nuclear pore inner ring complex. Science, 350, 56-64.

Stuwe, T.T., Correia, A.R., Lin, D.H., Paduch, M., Lu, V.T., Kossiakoff, A., Hoelz, A. (2015). Architecture of the nuclear pore complex coat. Science, 347, 1148-1152.
Student Requirements:  Prior laboratory experience in structural biology laboratory would be beneficial but is not required.
Programs:  This AO can be done under the following programs:

  Program    Available To
       Amgen Scholars    Non-Caltech students only  
       SURF    Caltech students only 

Click on a program name for program info and application requirements.

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Problems with or questions about submitting an AO?  Call Student-Faculty Programs of the Student-Faculty Programs Office at (626) 395-2885.
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