Student-Faculty Programs Office
Summer 2025 Announcements of Opportunity

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Project:  Earth Data Visualization Generation Using UMM-Vis
(JPL AO No. 16055)
Disciplines:  Computer Science, Earth Science
Mentor:  Z Xing, (JPL),, Phone: (818) 393-6422
Background:  The Common Metadata Repository (CMR) contains a registry of NASA Earth science
data product records (collections). The Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS)
creates visualization products (layers) for individual science variables
from collections registered within the CMR. To meet user needs of
associating GIBS visualization layers with CMR records of collections,
granules, or variables, a Unified Metadata Model for Visualization (UMM-Vis)
has recently been formulated and implemented in NASA's Earth Observing System
Data and Information System (EOSDIS). UMM-Vis will serve as "common metadata"
service to "connect the dots" between many different services and tools,
such as Worldview and Earthdata Search.
Description:  The intern will join the GIBS-in-the-Cloud and VisLabs teams to help enhance
software tools used by the project. Tasks include: Working with the team to
update a comprehensive set of utility tools for generating tiled map imagery
in the Meta Raster Format (MRF) from data product files. Develop new tools
for UMM-Vis record creation and ingestion. Demonstrate use of UMM-Vis to
drive a visualization generation pipeline. If time permits, we would also like
to investigate potential application of UMM-Vis in more clients and services
for Earth data science.
Student Requirements:  Computer programming, API development, Python, Javascript, JSON/XML/YAML, JSON Schema, Docker container, Git, data science, data visualization, Earth science
Location / Safety:  Project building and/or room locations: . Student will need special safety training: .
Programs:  This AO can be done under the following programs:

  Program    Available To
       SURF@JPL    Caltech students only 

Click on a program name for program info and application requirements.

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Problems with or questions about submitting an AO?  Call Student-Faculty Programs of the Student-Faculty Programs Office at (626) 395-2885.
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